About Free Store 15104

What began as a project for the community of Braddock has grown to serve families from all over Allegheny County and beyond. We provide household items, clothing, and other essentials at on cost to our visitors, and we strive to change individual relationships with material goods while combating poverty through empowerment.

We are proud to be 100% volunteer run, solar powered and sustainable!


Dedicated volunteers

Our team of dedicated volunteers works with community members to create a welcoming atmosphere where people can shop for or donate free items. 

Connect with us!

Visit our website at www.freestore15104.org for more information including store hours, volunteer opportunities, and donation rules!

Free Store 15104 has inspired the establishment of more than a dozen free stores around the state of Pennsylvania! Please note that while we support the work of these locations, we are not affiliated with their operations.

We are committed to: